Articles, dissertation abstracts, letters to the editor, opinions, and news for publication may be submitted (preferred versions are PDF, MS Word) by E-mail to the Editor (Professor S G Dani, India; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or to any member of the Editorial Board. Books for review must be submitted in duplicate to the Editor.

Papers and articles intended for publication must comprise sufficiently novel and previously unpublished material. These must be prepared conforming to accepted international standards and strictly in accordance with the following instructions.


It is preferred that the article is created in MS Word using 12-point Times New Roman type throughout. Once an article has been accepted the final version may be submitted in TeX / LaTeX also, provided a separate PDF file is also sent. The title, numbered equations and tables, should be centered. Everything else must be aligned to the left without any indent. A double space above and below all headings is required. If you use special characters (e.g. Chinese, Cyrillic) other than Latin or Greek alphabets and common mathematical symbols, you must supply PDF files and indicate their placement. In fact a PDF file showing complete article with everything embedded as it should appear in the print, must be supplied.

The main body of the article should be divided by appropriate numbered section and sub-section headings all in upper/lower bold type and aligned to the left. An Acknowledgment section may be included before the list of references. Manuscripts must generally be organized in the following manner:

(i) Title (bold face) followed by author name(s) only [centered], (ii) Abstract and Key Words [centered], (iii) Article Text, (iv) Acknowledgments, (v) References, (vi) Appendices, and (vii) About the Author(s).

The abstract should be followed by three to seven keywords that would be useful in identifying it for reference purposes. The last page of the article should contain the complete mailing address of the corresponding author.

Please avoid using any Footnotes. All references in the text must be cited by author surname and year, like (Smith, 1993) or Smith (1985b). List all the cited references at the end of the article, in alphabetical order of the surnames (writing initials first followed by the surnames), strictly in accordance with the following examples: 

J.W. Dauben. The first international connexions in history of mathematics: The case of the Encyclopadie. Historia Mathematica, 26: 343-359, 1999

R.C. Gupta. Sino-Indian interaction and the great Chinese Budhist astronomer-mathematician I-Hsing. Ganita Bhāratī, 11: 38-49, 1989.

G.H. Hardy. A Mathematician’s Apology. Cambridge Univ. Press: Cambridge, 1988. (Reprinted)

E von Collani. History, State of the Art and Future of the Science of Stochastics. In:  Ivor Grattan-Guinness and B.S. Yadav ed. History of The Mathematical Sciences, 171-194. Hindustan Book Agency: New Delhi, 2002. 

As a last section, the author must provide brief information about each contributing author’s coordinates including his/her current affiliation(s), research interests and email addresses. The contact details of the corresponding author must be mentioned at the bottom-left corner of the last page. Please use courier new type for all E- mail or web addresses.

The corresponding author will receive galley proofs as a PDF file via E-mail, to enable him/her to point out any corrections to be made. The corresponding author of each article will receive a PDF file of the final print form of the article by E-mail. The same shall also be uploaded on the web page of the publishers, from where the paper can be downloaded and printouts taken freely.