Ganita Sammelan - Jan 19-22 2025. All members are requested to register.

The Indian Society for History of Mathematics (ISHM) aims to promote study, teaching and education in history of mathematical sciences. It provides a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding various aspects of history of mathematical sciences. In addition to annual conferences, ISHM has been organizing seminars/symposia on the works of ancient, medieval and modern mathematics and has been regularly bringing out its bulletin Gaņita Bhāratī ever since inception.  

Scholars, teachers, students and all lovers of mathematical sciences are welcome to join the Society.   


  1. Membership terms:
    1. The subscribers to the Memorandum of Association and all such persons as the Governing Body (Executive Council) may from time to time admit to membership shall be the members of the Society.
    2. Applications for membership shall be proposed and seconded by two members of the Society enjoying their full rights of membership under the rules and regulations of the Society for the time being in force.
    3. The Executive Council may refuse to admit to membership any person without assigning any reason for the refusal.
    4. The Society shall maintain an up-to-date membership register, recording names and addresses of all the members.
  2. There are five types of members of the Society: 
    1. Founder Members: Persons whose names appear in the Memorandum of Association as desirous of forming the Society will be regarded as the Founder Members of the Society. They will pay membership dues as prescribed for ordinary or life members of the Society.
    2. Ordinary Members: Any person interested in the objects of the Society and agreeing to abide by its constitution and byelaws will be eligible for election as an ordinary member. (Currently this is not available for persons from SAARC.)
    3. Life Members: Any person who is eligible for election as an ordinary member shall be eligible for election as a life member.
    4. Honorary Members: Honorary membership is by invitation only. The council may nominate distinguished persons of eminence as the Honorary Members for a period of two years, provided that the total number of such members at any time shall not exceed five.
  3. Rights and Obligations of the Members:
    1. All members shall be entitled to receive communications about the activities of the Society, to participate in its conferences without paying the sessional fees, to have free access to the online issues of Gaņita Bhāratī and to get elected as an office-bearer or a member of the Council.
    2. Any member whose subscription is in arrears for two consecutive years shall cease to enjoy the rights and privileges of membership.
    3. All applications for membership must be duly proposed and seconded by the existing members of the Society which shall be considered and balloted by the Council for election/admission. 
  4. Application for Membership:

The membership dues payable, on the 1st of January every year are:

      SAARC Outside SAARC
Ordinary Membership (annual)   ₹ 500.00   USD 30.00
Life Membership   ₹ 1500.00    USD 300.00

Application for membership may be made on the membership form or on plain paper giving full details including an E-mail address. All cheques, drafts etc. are to be drawn in favour of “Society for History of Mathematics, India” payable at Delhi and must be sent by registered post to the Treasurer (Dr. Tarun Kumar Das, ISHM, Department of Mathematics, Delhi University, Delhi-110007, India; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Please add ₹ 50.00 / USD 10.00 for all outstation cheques. M.O. and Online Payments are not acceptable.   

Download Membership Form from here